Chapter 3 Operating Principles | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
Revised March, 2012 3-97
4) Set up Verifykey
Figure 3.132
SerialNo. display: The motion card's serial number is displayed here.
Read Serial No item: Read the serial number of the motion card.
Input User Key item: Enter two sets of customer-selected 1~8 bit 0~F hexadecimal
values as the Key values.
Verify key display: The generated verifykey is displayed here.
Make Verify Key item: Encrypt the SerialNo and customer provided Userkey to
generate four sets of VerifyKey.
Write Verify Key item: Write the generated Verifykey to the motion card.
Status item: If Verifykey is successfully written then “Write Done” appears in the
status display. If write fails, then “Failed” appears in the status display.
5) Check Verify key
Figure 3.133
Input Verify key item: Enter the motion card Verify key to check.
Sync item: Copy the Verify key value generated by the above procedure to the
Input Verify key field.
Check Verify key item: Check Verify Key. If the Key value is correct then “Check
Pass” appears in the status display. If Key value is wrong then “Lock” appears in the
status display.