Chapter 18 1-Axis Motion Control API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
18-10 Revised March, 2012
U16 CardNo=0;
U16 NodeID =1;
U16 SlotID=0;
I32 Dist=500000;
I32 Dist2=500000
I32 StrVel=1000;
I32 MaxVel=10000;
I32 MaxVel2=30000;
F64 Tacc=0.1;
F64 Tsec=0.1;
F64 Tdec=0.1;
I16 status= _DMC_01_start_tr_move_2seg (CardNo, NodeID, SlotID, Dist, Dist2, StrVel,
MaxVel, MaxVel2, Tacc, Tsec, Tdec);
Please note that Dist and Dist2 in the API parameters must be in the “same direction”. An
example of incorrect settings is shown in Fig. 18.5.
Figure 18.5 Incorrect settings: Dist and Dist2 are not in the same direction