Chapter 3 Operating Principles | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
3-98 Revised March, 2012
6) Check Verify key
Figure 3.134
Page item: Enter the value of the Memory Page (0 ~ 9) to read or write.
Read item: Execute read of selected Memory Page and display in “Read” item.
Write Enable item: Before executing the write operation, the Write Enable
checkbox must be checked.
The status bar will now display “Write/Read”.
Sync item: Clicking on Sync button copies the value from the “Read” to “Write”.
Write item: Write the value in the “Write” position to Memory.
Status item: Default is “Read Only”. When Write Enable option is checked,
“Write/Read” will be displayed.
7) Clicking on the Login button in Fig. 3.130 below executes the following procedure:
/* Check Password function*/
rt = _DMC_01_check_userpassword(gDMCCardNo, Password(0),state);
Clicking on Change button in Fig. 3.131 below executes the following procedure:
/* Change Password operation */
rt = _DMC_01_write_userpassword(gDMCCardNo, chpassword(0));
Clicking on the Read Serial No button in Fig. 3.132 below executes the following
/* Read Serial No. operation*/
rt = _DMC_01_read_serialno(gDMCCardNo, serial(0));
Clicking on the Make Verify Key button in Fig. 3.132 below executes the following
/* Makes encrypted Verify Key*/
rt = _misc_security(userkey(0),userkey(1),SerialNo(0),SerialNo(1),verifykey(0) ,
verifykey(1) ,verifykey(2) ,verifykey(3));
Clicking on the Write Verify Key button in Fig. 3.132 below executes the following
/* Write Verify Key to Memory*/
rt =_DMC_01_write_verifykey(gDMCCardNo,verifykey(0));
Clicking on the Check Verify Key button in Fig. 3.133 below executes the following