Chapter 33 Alarm Message API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
33-2 Revised March, 2012
33.1 _DMC_01_set_ralm FORMAT
I16 PASCAL _DMC_01_set_ralm (U16 CardNo, U16 NodeID, U16 SlotID)
Resets output servo drive alarm message.
Name Data Type Unit Description
CardNo U16 Number Unit CardNo is between 0~15
NodeID U16 Number Unit Node ID
SlotID U16 Number Unit Slot ID
U16 CardNo=0;
U16 NodeID =1;
U16 SlotID =0; //If Slot ID is set to 0, then the Slave is a servo drive
I16 status= _DMC_01_set_ralm (CardNo, NodeID, SlotID);