Troubleshooting Tables
Your computer or FAX machine was receiving a FAX or modem transmission, but an error occurred.
The receiver may have tried to call the Customer Service Center to send pay per view purchase information during the FAX or mode call. When the receiver found that the telephone was busy, it automatically disconnected. This generated “clicks” that caused an error in the FAX or modem transmission.
Have the sender resend the FAX or modem transmission.
Using Event Timers
| What Is Happening | Possible Reason | What to Do |
| You try to set up an event | You must enter the password before | To be able to set up an event timer for the program, first enter the |
| timer and the receiver | you can create an event timer for a | password. |
| displays a message noting | locked program. |
| that the program is locked. |
| You try to set up an event | You must order a pay per view event | To be able to set up an event timer for the event, first order it. |
| timer and the receiver | before you can create an event timer |
| displays a message noting | for it. |
| that the program is a pay per |
| view event. |
| You try to set up an event | You already have set up the maximum | To be able to set up a new event timer, delete one of the event timers |
| timer, but the receiver | number of event timers. | you set up earlier. |
| displays an Error message |
| giving you the option to |
| delete an event timer that |
| was set up earlier. |
| You set up an event timer, | You may have set up a Reminder | Remember that a Reminder Event Timer just reminds you that the |
| but the receiver does not | Event Timer but what you should have | program is about to start. An |
| tune to the channel of the | set up is an | tunes the receiver to the channel of the program. |
| program. |
| You set up an event timer | You may have set up a timer with an | Remember that a Once event timer operates just one time. A Mon.- |
| for a program that is | incorrect frequency. | Fri. event timer operates Monday through Friday on the same |
| repeated (such as a regularly |
| channel at the same time. A Daily event timer does the same, Monday |
| scheduled program), but the |
| through Sunday. A Weekly event timer operates once a week on the |
| timer does not operate for a |
| same channel at the same time. |
| showing of the program. |
| You set up an event timer, | The program time may have changed | If the receiver is ON and finds an event timer overlap, it will display |
| but the timer does not | so that the event timer overlapped | the Event Timer Scheduling Conflict menu. You must edit or |
| operate at all. | another event timer. | delete one of the overlapping event timers. |
| The program time may have changed | No event timer will operate if the program time changes by more than |
| by more than |
| |
| You set up a Once event | The program time changed. | A Once event timer always operates at the actual time of the program. |
| timer, but the timer operates |
| at a time different from what |
| you expect. |
| You stop the operation of an | Stopping the event timer applies only | To stop all operations of a repeated event timer, you must delete the |
| event timer for one showing | to the current showing of the program. | event timer. |
| of a program that is repeated |
| Note: The receiver deletes a Once event timer when it operates. |
| (such as a regularly |
| scheduled program), but the |
| timer operates for the next |
| showing. |
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