2. Broadband Type
Please choose the broadband (Internet connection) type you’re using in
this page. There are seven types of Internet connection, they are:
3G/3.5G - Please go to section 2-4-1
Cable Modem - Please go to section 2-4-2
Fixed-IP xDSL - Please go to section 2-4-3
PPPoE xDSL - Please go to section 2-4-4
PPTP xDSL - Please go to section 2-4-5
L2TP xDSL - Please go to section 2-4-6
Telstra Big Pond - Please go to section 2-4-7
If you’re not sure, please contact your Internet service provider. A wrong
Internet connection type will cause connection problem, and you will not
be able to connect to internet.
If you want to go back to previous step, please press ‘Back’ button on the
bottom of this page.