Delete All (3): | If you want to delete all MAC addresses listed here, |
| please click ‘Delete All’ button. |
Enable Wireless | To enforce MAC address filtering, |
Access Control (4): you have to check ‘Enable Wireless Access Control’. When this item is unchecked, wireless router will not enforce MAC address filtering of wireless clients.
MAC Address (5): Input the MAC address of your wireless devices here,
| dash ( - ) or colon ( : ) are not required. (i.e. If the |
| MAC address label of your wireless device indicates |
| |
| ‘aabbccddeeff’. |
Comment (6): | You can input any text here as the comment of this |
| MAC address, like ‘ROOM 2A Computer’ or |
| anything. You can input up to 16 alphanumerical |
| characters here. This is optional and you can leave |
| it blank, however, it’s recommended to use this field |
| to write a comment for every MAC addresses as a |
| memory aid. |
Add (7): | Click ‘Add’ button to add the MAC address and |
| associated comment to the MAC address filtering |
| table. |
Clear (8): | Click ‘Clear’ to remove the value you inputted in |
| MAC address and comment field. |
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘Apply’ (9) button and the following message will be displayed on your web browser: