here, and if you entered multiple WEP keys, they should not be same with each other.
Enable 802.1x IEEE 802.1x is an authentication protocol. Every Authentication (9): user must use a valid account to login to this
wireless router before accessing the wireless LAN. The authentication is processed by a RADIUS server. This mode only authenticates user by IEEE 802.1x, but it does not encryption the data during communication. If there is a RADIUS server in you environment, please enable this function. Check this box and another
RADIUS Server | Please input the IP address of radius |
IP Address (11): | server here |
RADIUS Server | Please input the port number of radius |
Port (12): | server here. |
RADIUS Server | Please input the port number of radius |
Password (13): | password here. |
TIPS: Some examples of WEP key
(Don’t use those examples; use the one of your own!):
ASCII (5 characters): pilot phone | 23561 2Hyux #@xmL |
ASCII (13 characters): digitalFAMILY | 82Jh26xHy3m&n |
Hex (10 characters): 287d2aa732 | 1152dabc85 |
Hex (26 characters): 9284bcda8427c9e036f7abcd84
To improve security level, do not use those words which can be found in a dictionary or too easy to remember! (‘pilot’ and ‘phone’ listed above are bad examples; just intended to show you how a WEP key look like). Wireless clients will remember the WEP key, so you only
have to input the WEP key on wireless client once, and it’s worth to 87
use complicated WEP key to improve security level.