Requirements for Initial Setup
Service Laptop Requirements
Initializing the storage processor enclosure and the accompanying DAE2 disk enclosures requires a directly connected computer — usually a laptop model — that we refer to as a service laptop.
❑A Windows operating system, as indicated in the EMC Navisphere Manager 6.X Release Notes.
❑A supported web browser, as indicated in the EMC Navisphere Manager 6.X Release Notes.
❑Java 2 Runtime Environment, as indicated in the EMC Navisphere Manager 6.X Release Notes.
Download the JRE from the Sun computer website or the EMC service website (EMC personnel only). Verify that your laptop is running the correct version.
❑EMC Navisphere 6.6 or higher Management UI (Navisphere Manager).
Service providers can download the latest Management UI from the EMC service website. After you download the Management UI, save it to your desktop.
❑EMC Navisphere Command Line Interface (CLI) Version 6.6 or higher.
❑Remote Access Server.
❑TCP/IP network settings modified to use DHCP.
What Next? If your service laptop is not set up for
EMC CLARiiON CX300, CX500, and CX700 Initialization Guide