| Initiator Role Custom Packet |
| ......0. |
| asynchronous |
| transfers enable |
$01 | 00000000 |
| Retry count (must be |
| 00) |
$02 | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | Link pointer (MSW) |
| for linked commands. |
| Valid only if link flag |
| bit = 1 |
$04 | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | Link pointer (LSW) |
$06 | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | Command length |
| length of the CDB |
| (in bytes) |
$08 | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | SCSI command |
| descriptor block |
| (CDB) |
| SCSI draft revision |
| 17B allows 12 bytes |
| maximum length |
| (Note 4) |
$0A | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | SCSI (CDB) |
$0C | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | SCSI (CDB) |
$0E | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | SCSI (CDB) |
$10 | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | SCSI (CDB) |
$12 | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx | SCSI (CDB) |
$14 | xxxxxxxx |
| SCSI status |
| On INITIATOR role, |
| this is the copy of |
| status on |
| $64. |
On TARGET role, you can set SCSI status here.
Bit 0(LSB), 5 and 6 is vendor unique. Bit 7
is reserved. The status set here is ORed with
2 |