Connecting to the Network
Removing an XFP/SFP
Caution: Do NOT remove the XFP/SFP from the port slot without releasing it. The XFP/SFP is released by pulling down on its wire handle. Attempting to remove the XFP/SFP without releasing it can damage the XFP/SFP.
The XFP/SFP and its host
Precaución: NO quite el XFP/SFP de la ranura sin antes abrir la traba ubicada en la parte frontal del XFP/SFP. Si lo hace, puede dañar el XFP/SFP, puesto que es muy sensible a las descargas de electricidad estática, al igual que el dispositivo host. Utilice la pulsera antiestática y tome todas las precauciones necesarias durante este procedimiento. Si no lo hace, pude dañar el XFP/SFP o el dispositivo host. Mientras no esté instalado, mantenga el XFP/SFPen su bolsa antiestática o en cualquier otro recipiente antiestático.
To remove a transceiver from a port slot, refer back to Figure 2‐10 and proceed as follows:
1.With an antistatic wrist strap attached to your wrist, remove the cables connected to the transceiver.
2.Release the transceiver using its wire handle. Specific operation and location of the handle will vary depending on transceiver type.
3.Grasp the sides of the transceiver and pull it straight out of the port slot.
If storing or shipping an XFP/SFP, which has a fiber‐optic connector, insert its protective dust cover to protect the ends of the fiber‐optic fibers from dust or contamination.
Connecting Fiber-Optic Cables to SFP/XFP Ports
Before connecting cables to SFP/XFP ports, you must install the appropriate transceiver as described in Installing Optional SFP/XFP on page 2‐17. This section describes how to connect a 1‐ or 10‐Gigabit fiber‐optic segment from the network or other devices to an SFP or XFP LC port connector (LC or MT‐RJ).
Each fiber‐optic link consists of two fiber‐optic strands within the cable for Transmit (TX) and Receive (RX). The transmit strand from a device port connects to the receive port of a fiber‐optic 1‐ /10‐ Gigabit Ethernet device at the other end of the segment. The receive strand of the applicable LC or MT‐RJ port connects to the transmit port of the fiber‐optic 1‐/10‐ Gigabit Ethernet device.
Caution: Do not touch the ends of the
Precaución: No toque los extremos de los cables de fibra óptica y evite su contacto con el polvo, la suciedad o con cualquier otro contaminante. Si los extremos de los cables se ensucian, es posible que la transmisión de datos se vea afectada. Si nota que losextremos de los cables de fibra óptica se ensucian, utilice aire comprimido paralimpiarlos. También puede limpiarlos con un estropajo embebido en alcohol isopropílico.
Refer to Figure 2‐11 as you perform the following procedure.
To connect an LC or MT‐RJ cable connector to an SFP or XFP port connector:
1.Remove the protective covers (not shown) from the uplink port SFP/XFP and from the connectors on each end of the cable.