EPSON (continued)
Electronic Support Services, 5 to 6
help, 4 to 6 media,
EPSON Namer utility,
| Error Diffusion setting, |
| Error notification, |
| |
| Ethernet board, |
F | Faint printouts, |
Film, see Photo Quality glossy | |
| media |
| Finest Detail setting, |
| |
| Fonts, |
| Forms, loading, |
G | Garbled characters, |
| |
H | Halftoning setting, |
| |
| Help, online, |
| |
| High Speed setting, |
| Horizontal banding, |
| Host system, network setup, |
I | IBM X24E emulation control |
| ICM (Image Color Matching) |
| setting, |
cartridge specifications,
Ink Jet Cards, see Photo Quality Ink Jet Cards
Ink Jet Paper loading,
Interface boards installing,
| International character sets, |
| Internet, 5 |
| |
| |
J | |
L | Letterhead, see Paper |
| LocalTalk board, |
M | Macintosh |
| increasing memory allocation, |
| |
| interface boards, |
| |
| |