When you choose Video/Digital Camera, ICM, or ColorSync, all the other color options are preset.
Custom Printing
4.Choose Video/Digital Camera, ICM (Windows 95) or
ColorSync (Macintosh):
◗Video/Digital Camera
Use for printing images captured from a digital camera or video. Increases color brightness and makes the image sharper.
◗ICM (Windows 95 only)
Automatically adjusts printout colors to match colors on the screen.
◗ColorSync (Macintosh only)
Automatically adjusts printout colors to match colors on the screen. See “Using ColorSync on the Macintosh” for more information.
5.Click OK to return to the Main printer settings dialog box.
6.Click Save Settings if you want to save your custom settings as a group that you can reuse for special projects. See page
7.Click Print (Macintosh) or OK (Windows). If you’re using Windows, click any other buttons that your application uses for printing.
For more information about color matching and working with color, see Print It in EPSON Color, the booklet that came with your printer.
Using ColorSync on the Macintosh
Every device you use for producing or viewing
ColorSync uses profile information from each device— including your EPSON Stylus COLOR 800