User’s Guide

Monitoring and Controlling Projectors via a Network (for the EMP-7900)







Once the mail notification settings have been
completed, click [OK].









The display will return to the Setup for Network
Projector window, so click [Set].








When the setting finished window appears, click








The test message transmission checking window will

be displayed.


You can send a test message to the addresses that have been set. To send a test message, click [Yes]. If you do not want to send a test message, click [No].

The subject of the test e-mail message will be "TEST MAIL". It will contain the following information.

Line 1 : Projector name

Line 2 : IP address that has been set for the projector

Line 3 : TEST MAIL (subject)


The settings will then be applied, and the display will


return to the window that appeared in step 2. Click

[] to close EMP NetworkManager.


We recommend you to set up a password for security. To do so, right- click the projector icon and select "Change Password". Now, you can change the administrator user (Admin) password.