Schematic, 331 Script Mode, 71-72

ESCape “S0” turns Superscript Mode on. ESCape “S1” turns Subscript Mode on. ESCape “T” turns either Script Mode off.

Self test for printer. See Test Semicolons, iv, 45

Sensor. See Paper-out sensor Separator, paper. See paper Serial board. See Interface

Set-up operations for printer, 13-36 Seven-bit systems, 309-311

graphics with, 311

limitations of, 132, 137, 309-310 test for computer’s type, 309

user-defined characters with, 202, 205, 207, 209 Single-sheet printing, 109-110 Skip-over-perforation, 107-109

ESCape “N” or DIP switch 2-4 turns it on. ESCape “O” turns it off. Space. See Blank space.

Spacing. See Line spacing; Proportional spacing Special characters, 85

Specifications. See Technical specifications Spread-sheet printing, 321

Statement program, 231-238 STOP See END Subscript. See Script Mode Superscript. See Script Mode Switches. See DIP switches



effect of pitch on, 122

margin settings with. See Margins horizontal, 119-122

CHR$(9) or CHR$(137) activates.

ESCape “D”CHR$(n1)CHR$(n2) . . . CHR$(nk)CHR$(0) sets horizontal tabs.

vertical, 122-128

CHR$(11) activates. ESCape “B”CHR$(n1)CHR$(n2) . . .

CHR$(nk)CHR$(0) sets vertical tabs.

ESCape “b”CHR$(N)CHR$(n1)CHR$(n2) . . . CHR$(nk)CHR$(1) sets the vertical channel to N. ESCape “/“CHR$(n) selects channel n.

channels, 126-128 Technical specifications, 327-331