Temperature, 329 Test

automatic, 35-36

for seven-bit system, 309 Top of form, 31-33, 103-104

CHR$(12) sends the paper to top of form. ESCape “C” resets it to current paper position. ESCape “@” resets form length to default and sets top of form to current line.

with skip-over-perforation, 109 See also Reset Code


built-in, 24-28cover, 14, 19 removable, 14-15, 28-31

Troubleshooting, 301-315 TRS-80, 38, 40, 307-309, 313 Type style chart, 317


Up arrow. See Exponent character Underline Mode, 70-72

ESCape “-1” turns underline on; ESCape “-0” turns it off. Unidirectional Mode, 83-85

ESCape “U1” activates it; ESCape “U0” turns it off. ESCape “<" turns it on for one line only.

User-defined characters, 199-213

ESCape “&“CHR$(n1)CHR$(n2)CHR$(n3) defines characters. ESCape “:“CHR$(n1)CHR$(n2)CHR$(n3) downloads ROM characters into RAM.

attribute byte, 203-205

compared to ROM characters, 199 control codes as characters, 208-211 DIP switch setting for, 200 double-high and double-wide, 215-223 downloading, 207

Reset code with, 207 troubleshooting, 303


Vertical tabs. See Tabs, vertical