Managing Print Jobs

You see the Spool Manager window:

The Spool Manager window displays the status of your print queues and journal files and lets you control them. You can also control print queues, the display of the Despooler, and the default spool directory. Click Help in the Spool Manager menu bar for detailed information.

Deleting a Stalled Print Job

If you’re having trouble printing, it may be because of a stalled print job. Follow these steps to delete it and continue printing:

1.Open the Spool Manager as described above.

2.Click on any print jobs marked Held, then open the Document menu and click Delete.

3.Click Yes.

4.Exit the Spool Manager and try printing again.

Changing the Default Spool Directory

If you get an error message when you try to print, or printing is very slow, you can try changing your default spool directory.

1.Make a directory on your hard disk where you want the Spool Manager to store print job files, for example, C:\SPLTEMP.

2.Open the Spool Manager as described on page 4-12.
