Solving Problems
If you have a problem with your Stylus Photo RX600, check the messages on the LCD screen, run a nozzle check (see page 134), or see “Problems and Solutions” on page 134.
See these sections:
■“Checking the LCD Screen” below
■“Printing a Nozzle Check” on page 134
■“Problems and Solutions” on page 134
■“Uninstalling Your Software” on page 145
■“Where To Get Help” on page 149
Checking the LCD Screen
Here is a list of error messages that appear on the LCD screen and what you should do when you see them.
Error Message | Solution |
Printer error occurred. Please see the | Turn your Stylus Photo RX600 off, and |
documentation. | then back on. If the error message still |
| appears, contact your dealer. |
Scanner error occurred. Please see the | Turn your Stylus Photo RX600 off, and |
documentation. | then back on. Then make sure the |
| transportation lock is released. If the |
| error message still appears, contact your |
| dealer. |
Bluetooth module error. Please replace | Disconnect the adapter, then reconnect |
the adapter. | it to your Stylus Photo RX600. |
Bluetooth communication error. | Resend the print job. If the error occurs |
| again, confirm the settings on the device |
| sending the data. |