Adjusting the Scan Area (Marquee)

Once you create a marquee on your preview image, you can use it to crop the area you want to scan. You can create a marquee on each preview image, if you’re scanning more than one at a time.


To move the entire marquee, click and hold your mouse button inside the outlined area to move the marquee where you want it.

To resize the marquee, click and hold your mouse button on one of the edges or corners and drag the marquee to the size you want.

To create additional marquees on multiple images, click the next image, then click the Duplicate button. Then adjust the marquees as described above.

To delete a marquee, click the Delete button.

To delete all marquees, click the All button, then click the Delete button.

To start over with a new marquee, click the Auto Detect button.

66Scanning to a Computer