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Purpose Identify the RPM4 version, range, and serial number.
Query “∗IDN?”
Remarks The identification reply is made up of the manufacture, the model, the serial number and the
software version. Each is separated by a comma.
(enhanced) Sent:“∗IDN?”
Reply:“DH INSTRUMENTS INC, RPM4 A0100/A0015, 1234, Ver2.00 -dhf”
Purpose Sets the operation complete bit when all operations have completed.
Query “∗OPC”
Remarks This Command enables the RPM4 to set the OPC bit in the Standard Event Status Register
when it has completed all pending functions.
The Query replies with a “1” when all functions are complete.
(enhanced) Sent:
Query reply: “∗OPC”
Purpose Reads the list of installed RPM4 options.
Query “∗OPT?”
Remarks This Query returns any registered option(s) installed in the RPM4. Each option is separated
by a comma. Possible options:
The IEEE-488 option is installed,
(enhanced) Sent:
Reply: “∗OPT?”
Purpose Resets the RPM4 settings to factory settings.
Command “∗RST””
Remarks This Command sets the RPM4 settings to factory settings. This equivalent to a front panel
executed RESET/SET. This does not affect the communications settings.
(enhanced) Sent:
Reply: “∗RST”
“∗RST” (no reply if IEEE-488)
See Also Section, Reset – Sets
Purpose Read or set the Service Request Enable Register.
Query “∗SRE n”
Default “∗SRE 0”
Arguments n: ’0 to 255’ This is the decimal representation of the bit(s) to enable. To allow the
MAV and ESB bits to assert the SRQ line, the argument would be 32 + 16 = 48.
Bit 6 (64) is reserved and cannot be set.
Remarks The Service Request Enable Register determines which bits of the Status Byte can set th e MSS
bit of the Status Byte and request service by asserting the SRQ line of the IEEE-488 interface.
(enhanced) Sent:
Query reply: “∗SRE=48” (enables the MAV and ESB bits)
“48” (no reply if IEEE-488)
Errors ERR# 6: n is not valid.
Purpose Read the Status Byte Register.
Command “∗STB?”
Remarks The Status Byte Register reflects the general status of the RPM4. The ‘MSS’ bit state is
represented by bit 6.
(enhanced) Sent:
Reply: “∗STB?”
“80” (The MSS and MAV bits are set)
Purpose Read the power on self test status.
Query “∗TST?””
Remarks The RPM4 system memory stores the user settings (units, resolution) and retains them when
the unit if OFF. On power-up, this memory is checked. If this memory is corrupted, all user
settings are reset to default (as if the “∗RST” program message was executed), and the ∗TST
query will return a non zero value. If the RPM4 passed the test on power-up OR if the ∗TST
query was used at least once since the RPM4 was powered up the reply will be a ‘0’.
(enhanced) Sent:
Reply: “∗RST?”