© 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 34
To activate the Rate DISPLAY press [DISPLAY], <2Rate>. Pressing <2Rate>
returns to the main run screen with the Rate DISPLAY active.
With the Rate DISPLAY active the main run screen is:
1. Current rate of change of pressure in current
pressure unit per second.
8455.25 psi a Hi
R 0.03/sec
The Rate DISPLAY is different and separate from the stability setting which is
used to set the stability criterion on which the Ready/Not Ready indication is based
(see Sections 3.4.3 and 3.2.1). The Rate DISPLAY only causes the current rate of
change to be displayed and has NO affect on the stability setting or the Ready/Not
Ready condition.
The Rate DISPLAY is the default RPM4 main run screen display.
To go to a DISPLAY other than Rate, press [DISPLAY] and make a new
DISPLAY choice (see Section 3.3.6).
To activate the Deviation DISPLAY and/or set the deviation target value.
See Section 3.3.6, Principle.
To activate the Deviation DISPLAY press
[DISPLAY], <3Dev>. The display is: Target:
9000.0 psi a
Edit the desired target value. Pressing [ENT] returns to the main run screen with
the Deviation DISPLAY active using the entered target value.
The target value is the value from which deviations (D) are measured by the
Deviation DISPLAY following:
D = current pressure - target pressure