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Before running AutoZ in gauge mode, ensure that the pressure applied to the
Q-RPT is truly zero gauge (atmospheric pressure). If running AutoZ in gauge mode
results in a zero offset that RPM4 considers unusually large, <Confirm 0 gauge P!> is
displayed. Check that zero gauge pressure is applied to the Q-RPT module rear panel
TEST(+) port and the ATM port is open to atmosphere and unobstructed.
Allow the RPM4 to stabilize at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature
for 2 to 3 minutes before running AutoZ in gauge mode. [AUTOZ] IN ABSOLUTE MODE
To “rezero” the active Q-RPT in absolute measurement mode
See Section 3.5.1, Principle for a full explanation of the AutoZ function.
For the AutoZ function key to run AutoZ, AutoZ must be turned ON for the
active Q-RPT and measurement mode. AutoZ ON is indicated by <z> to the left of
the range designator on the first line of the main run screen. AutoZ ON and OFF is
set using [SPECIAL], <1AutoZ> (see Section 3.5.1). If AutoZ is OFF for the active
range, and measurement mode, <AutoZ OFF> is displayed when [AutoZ] is pressed.
To run AutoZ in absolute measurement mode, use [MODE] to set absolute
measurement mode (see Section 3.3.3) and press [AutoZ] from the main run
screen. The display is:
1. Active Q-RPT designator.
2. Current measurement mode (absolute).
3. Selection of source of Pstd,0 reference to which
to AutoZ.
AutoZ Hi abs by:
13ntry 2COM2 3Lo RPT
Selecting <1entry> allows the value of Pstd,0 to be entered from the front panel keypad.
Selecting <2COM2> allows the value of Pstd,0 to be read automatically from another
DHI RPMx connected to RPM4’s COM2 communications port.
Selecting <3Lo RPT > is shown only if the Hi Q-RPT is active. This selection
allows the value of Pstd,0 for the Hi Q-RPT to be read automatically from the
Allow the RPM4 to stabilize at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature
for 5 to 10 minutes before running AutoZ in absolute mode.