Page 59 © 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company <1COM1, 2COM2> The COMx ports can be set for specific communications settings. The settings
are baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bits. The available options are:
Baud 300, 600, 1 200, 2 400, 4 800, 9 600, 19 200, 28 800, 38 400
Parity NONE, ODD or EVEN
Length 7 or 8
Stop Bit 1 or 2
The default is <2 400, E, 7,1> for both COM1 and COM2.
The user can also specify one or two termination characters, referred to as
“Term1” and “Term2”, as well as define these characters. These define the
characters that mark the end of commands that are sent to the RPM4 as well as
mark the end of replies sent back to the host computer. The RPM4 typically uses
the <Term1> character to mark the end, and will ignore the <Term2> character.
The characters can be any decimal number from 1 to 255. The defaults are
<13> (carriage return) and <10> (line feed) and usually should not be changed. <3IEEE-488> The IEEE-488 port’s primary address can be set from 1 to 31 in this screen.
The factory default value is 10. Secondary addressing is not used or supported.
This address must not conflict with the address of any other device on the same
IEEE-488 bus.
The receiving terminating character must be a line feed and EOI. Carriage returns
are ignored if received. The RPM4 sends a line feed and asserts the EOI line to
terminate a reply. These settings are fixed to agree with IEEE Std. 488.2. If you
change the address, the IEEE interface will reset (PON) and become idle. <4FORMAT> The RPM4 has two different syntax formats available for the remote program
The classic remote command format is highly intuitive and conforms with previous DHI
PPC and RPM products.
The enhanced remote command format generally uses the same commands as the
classic format, but in addition it follows the syntax, format, and status reporting
features of IEEE Std 488.2.
The details of each format are covered in Section 4.3.
[SPECIAL], <2remote>, <4format> allows the remote program command syntax to
be selected. The cursor is on the active format. Select <1classic> or <2enhanced>
as desired. <5RS232 SELF-TEST> The RS232 self-test is provided to check the RPM4 COM ports and the interface
cable independently of an external device or computer.
If you are having difficulty communicating with RPM4 from a host computer
using RS232, the RS232 self test can help establish that the RPM4 COM1 port
you are trying to communicate with and the interface cable you are using are good.
To run a self test of the RS232 ports (COM1 and COM2), press [SPECIAL],
<2remote>, <5RS232test>.