Page 69 © 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
To view the event log press [SPECIAL], <7internal>, <5log>. The oldest logged
event appears. Pressing [ENT] steps through the logged events from the oldest
to the most recent and ending with the option to clear the log, <1no>, <2yes>.
The log clear choice is not available in all security levels (see Section, Table 6).
When all events have been viewed, <End of log> displays.
3.5.8 <8CAL> PURPOSE
To calibrate the RPM4 Hi and Lo Q-RPTs and adjust the on-board barometer. These
functions are considered part of RPM4 maintenance and are covered in the maintenance
section of this manual (see Sections 5.2, 5.3).
To reset various RPM4 settings to default or factory values.
RPM4 stores its user definable settings in non-volatile memory. The reset menu allows the
user to selectively or completely reset these settings to factory defaults. This clears any
settings that the user has made, and should be used only to restore the RPM4 to a known
state. RPM4 goes through its power up sequence after any type of reset is executed.
RPM4 reset functions will change current se ttings to factory defaults. These may include
settings vital to RPM4 operation and affecting the calibration of the quartz reference pressure
transducers (Q-RPTs). Reset functions should only be used by qualified personnel with knowledge of
reset consequences. Reset functions should never be used “experimentally”.
To access the RESET menu, press [SPECIAL],
<9reset>. The display is: 1sets 2units 3ATest
4cal 5all
RESET menu choices include:
<1set> to reset general system operating parameters (see Section
<2units> to reset unit of measure functions (see Section
<3ATest> to reset AutoTest parameters, clear File AutoTest files and clear the AutoTest data
log (see Section
<4cal> to reset internal calibration coefficients and modes (see Section
<5all> to reset all settings except ID and security password to factory default values
(see Section <1SETS>
Sets most general operating parameters back to default values. Does not affect
calibration coefficients, remote interfaces or AutoRange ranges. The Reset – Sets
resets are itemized in Table 9.