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To run the AutoTest function which runs a calibration test sequence (Quick Test or File Test).
Run AutoTest is accessed by pressing [ENT] from the Rate or Clean DISPLAY mode (see
Section 3.3.6). In other DISPLAY modes, the function of [ENT] is specific to the mode.
RPM4 supports AutoTest automated sequences to assist in the testing or calibration of
analog gauges and other pressure sensitive devices.
The AutoTest function is intended to:
• AutoRange the RPM4 (see Section 3.3.4) to the range of the DUT being tested with
settings appropriate for the tolerance of the DUT.
• Step the operator through a planned sequence of test pressure increments if desired.
• Alert the operator to possible out of tolerance conditions at each test point.
• Log test data in RPM4 that can be viewed following the test.
There are two types of AutoTest: Quick AutoTest and File AutoTest.
• Quick AutoTest: The DUT and test parameters are entered “on the fly” during the
initialization of the test, then the test is executed if desired. In Quick AutoTest tests, the
test points are defined in % of test FS pressure.
• File AutoTest: The DUT and test parameters are stored in a file (see Section and
retrieved when a DUT is to be tested. In File AutoTests, test points are defined individually.
AutoTest operation is oriented towards running tests in which the pressure is set to the DUT
cardinal point indication and then the actual reference pressure present is read from the RPM4.
AutoTest Settings and Calculations
The data required to initialize an AutoTest is either entered “on the fly” (Quick AutoTest) or
retrieved from a file (File AutoTest). The data items required are:
• Pressure measurement mode (gauge or absolute).
• Pressure unit of measure.
• DUT full scale in pressure unit of measure.
• DUT tolerance in ± % FS (full scale).
• Test increment in % FS (Quick AutoTest) or number of test increments and the value of
each increment in the pressure unit of measure (File AutoTest).
• Test point sequence: ascending, descending or both (Quick AutoTest only).
The initialization data is used to AutoRange the RPM4 appropriately for the DUT and test to
be run. At the end of the AutoTest initialization, the RPM4 is AutoRanged as follows (see
Section 3.3.4, Table 4):
• Q-RPT: The Lo Q-RPT is active if the maximum pressure in the AutoTest is less than
20 MPa (3 000 psi), the Hi Q-RPT is active if the maximum pressure in the AutoTest is
greater than 20 MPa (3 000 psi).
• Pressure measurement mode and unit: As specified in the AutoTest initialization.
• Display resolution: The DUT tolerance divided by 10 and rounded to the nearest digit, or
1 ppm of Q-RPT span, whichever is greater.