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4.4.2 ERROR MESSAGESS Table 15. Error #s and descriptions
ERR# 0 “OK”
ERR# 2 “Text argument is too long”
ERR# 3 “Arguments cannot be 0”
ERR# 4 “External device not detected”
ERR# 5 Not used
ERR# 6 “Numeric argument missing or out of range”
ERR# 7 “Missing or improper command argument(s)”
ERR# 8 “External device time-out error”
ERR# 9 “Unknown command”
ERR# 10 “Missing or invalid command suffix”
ERR# 11 “Command missing argument”
ERR# 12 “System overpressured” or “overpressure may result”
ERR# 13 “Text queue overflow”
ERR# 14 “User unit not defined”
ERR# 17 Not used
ERR# 18 “Command not yet available”
ERR# 19 “Not available with absolute units”
ERR# 20 “Not available with gauge device”
ERR# 21 Not used
ERR# 22 “Pressure is not stable”
ERR# 23 “Option not available or installed”
ERR# 25 Not used
ERR# 26 “COM port failed to initialize”
ERR# 27 “Internal device failure”
ERR# 28 “Device failure”
ERR# 29 “Device not available”
ERR# 30 “Must be on range HI”
ERR# 31 “Exceeds upper or lower limit”
ERR# 32 “Not stable enough”
ERR# 37 “Data table is full”
ERR# 38 “Selected range is not available”
ERR# 39 “Data verify error”
ERR# 45 “Argument not allowed”
ERR #46 “Argument cannot be negative”
ERR #52 “Command obsolete”
ERR# 53 “Not Available”