Page 103 © 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
Purpose Read or set the Ready Status Enable Register.
Query “RSE n
Default “RSE 0”
Arguments n: ’0 to 255’ This is the decimal representation of the bit(s) to enable. To enable
the RDY bit, the argument would be 1.
Remarks The Ready Status Enable Register determines which bits in the Ready Status Register are
enabled and included in the Status Byte Register (RSR bit), and can assert the SRQ line.
The reply is in decimal numeric form.
(enhanced) Sent:
Query reply: RSE=1” (enables the RDY bit)
“1” (no reply if IEEE-488)
Errors ERR# 6: n is not valid.
Purpose Read the Ready Status Register.
Command “RSR?”
Remarks The Ready Status Register contents are cleared after reading. The reply is in decimal
numeric form.
(enhanced) Sent:
Reply: “RSR?”
“6” (The MEAS and NRDY)