© 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 32
To set the DISPLAY function press [DISPLAY] from the main run screen.
The display is: 1avg 2rate 3dev 4RPT
5HiLo 6freeze 7clean
The cursor is on the active DISPLAY function. Selecting a DISPLAY function returns to the
main run screen with the selected function active. See Sections to for
information on each of the DISPLAY choices.
The DISPLAY selection is NOT range specific. A DISPLAY selection made in one range
applies to all ranges.
The default DISPLAY function is Rate which causes the second line of the display to show “R”
followed by the current rate of change of pressure in current pressure units per second.
To activate the Average DISPLAY and/or adjust the period of time over which
averaging occurs.
See Section 3.3.6. Principle.
To access the Average DISPLAY, press [DISPLAY], <1Avg>. The display is:
1. Edit field for averaging period in seconds.
Default is 20. Minimum 1, maximum 999.
Averaging Period:
20 s
Edit the averaging time period if desired. Press [ENT] to return to the main run
screen with the Average DISPLAY active.
With the Average DISPLAY active the main run screen is:
1. Average measured pressure over last
completed averaging period.
2. Standard deviation in active pressure unit of
measure of last completed averaging period.
3. Countdown in seconds until completion of on-
going averaging period.
3001.57 psi a Hi
δ 0.03 18Avg