Page 87 © 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
Purpose Read or change the active measurement mode.
Query “MMODEn mode”
Classic “MMODEn=mode”
Optional Suffix “n” The active Q-RPT is assumed if no suffix is given.
‘1’ Specify the Hi Q-RPT
‘2’ Specify the Lo Q-RPT
Arguments Mode: "A" Absolute mode
"G" Gauge mode
Measured pressure values are returned with “g” to identify measurement
mode for both gauge and negative gauge measurement modes. Differential mode
restricts access to settings on the Lo Q-RPT.
Remarks The measurement mode can also be set using the “UNIT” command but the “UNIT” command
does not distinguish between gauge and negative gauge in it’s reply, while the “MMODE”
does. Measurement mode is range specific.
(enhanced) Cmd sent:
Query reply: “MMODE A”
“A” (No reply if IEEE-488)
(enhanced) Cmd sent:
Query reply: “MMODE? A”
(enhanced) Cmd sent:
Query reply: “MMODE=G”
Errors ERR# 6:
ERR# 7:
ERR# 20:
ERR# 53:
Invalid argument text.
Abs mode only with altitude units or gauge mode only with gauge Q-RPT.
The suffix indicating the Q-RPT is invalid for the current conditions.
Absolute or negative gauge mode not available with gauge Q-RPT.
Absolute Q-RPT with an absolute and negative gauge OFF calibration.
The current range cannot support gauge mode.
Gauge mode range would be negative.
Lo Q-RPT not suitable for differential mode.
See Also “UNIT”, “ARANGE”
Purpose Read or set the type of program command format to use (enhanced or classic).
Query “MSGFMT mode
Classic “MSGFMT= mode
Arguments mode: ‘1’ to use the enhanced command format.
‘0’ to use the classic command format.
Defaults “MSGFMT 0”
Remarks The user can select the type of remote command format to use. This format must agree with the
format sent to the RPM4
The enhanced query form of this command (“MSGFMT? n”) should always be used to set the
desired format, as it will be accepted regardless of the current format (classic or enhanced).
It is recommended to use the “L2” and “L3” commands instead of this command for new designs.
(enhanced) Cmd sent:
Query reply: “MSGFMT 1”
“1” (No reply if IEEE-488)
(enhanced) Cmd sent:
Query reply: “MSGFMT? 1”
(classic) Sent:
Reply: “MSGFMT=1”
Errors ERR# 6: Missing or improper program message argument(s).
See Also “L2 / L3”