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Incorrect pressure units and/or measurement
mode (gauge or absolute).
Set desired pressure units and/or
measurement mode. Consider reference
temperature if unit is inWa. 3.3.2, 3.3.3
Q-RPT calibration coefficients have been
altered. Check and correct calibration coefficients if
needed. 5.3
Apparent inaccurate pressure
AutoZ has been run and turned ON with an
incorrect standard for zero. Check value of Poffset. Rerun AutoZ with a
valid reference. 3.5.1
Apparent inaccurate pressure
measurement and <h> is
displayed on top line of screen.
An unplanned “head” correction is active or
head height or fluid is incorrect. Operation is normal. Remove or change
“head” correction. 3.3.7
AutoZ was just run in gauge mode
but measurement indication is
NOT zero. <h> is displayed on
top line of screen.
A head correction is applied and current
indication is the value of the head. Operation is normal. 3.3.7,, 3.5.1
Need to run AutoZ to rezero in gauge mode. Run AutoZ.
Pressure applied is zero gauge
but reading is NOT zero. Current measurement mode is absolute and
RPM4 is indicating atmospheric pressure.
Check measurement mode setting and
set to gauge if gauge pressure
measurements are desired. 3.3.3
Pressure applied is atmospheric
but RPM4 indicates near zero. Current measurement mode is gauge and
RPM4 is indicating zero gauge pressure.
Check measurement mode setting and
set to absolute if absolute pressure
measurements are desired. 3.3.3
Is NOT reading pressure applied
to the Lo Q-RPT. HPMS Lo Q-RPT Shut Off Valve is closed
shutting off the Lo Q-RPT from the HPMS
TEST port.
Familiarize yourself with the HPMS
configuration and operation. Open the
Lo Q-RPT Shut Off Valve. 3.2.5
Is NOT reading pressure applied
to RPM4 TEST port. RPM4 has two TEST ports and pressure to
be measured is connected to correct port but
active Q-RPT is NOT the Q-RPT on that
TEST port.
Familiarize yourself with your RPM4
configuration. Set active Q-RPT and
range to read on desired test port., 3.2.3, 3.3.1
[ENT] is not accessing the
AutoTest function. You are in a Display mode other than Rate
that uses the [ENT] key. Press [DISPLAY] and set the Display
mode to Rate.