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99.. GGL
Axxx A type of Q-RPT with a built-in vacuum reference that is intrinsically absolute (e.g. A10M).
Axxx Q-RPTs support absolute, gauge and negative gauge measurement modes.
Absolute Mode Measurement mode in which the Q-RPT indicates absolute pressure (difference from vacuum).
Active Q-RPT The Q-RPT that is currently selected to be displayed on the top line of the RPM4
display. Most function selections affect the active Q-RPT.
AutoRange A function that optimizes RPM4 measurement and control for a specific, user defined
range of operation.
AutoRanged Range An RPM4 pressure measurement range created using the AutoRange function.
AutoTest or ATest RPM4 on-board automated testing sequences and their results.
AutoZero or AutoZ A process by which a Q-RPT and measurement mode is rezeroed (offset) relative to a standard.
Barometer RPM4’s on-board atmospheric pressure measuring sensor. Also referred to as on-board barometer.
BGxxx A type of Q-RPT that is intrinsically gauge and is capable of operating bi-directionally,
above and below atmosphere, through zero. BGxxx Q-RPTs support gauge and
negative gauge measurement modes.
Default Range (DF) A Q-RPT’s maximum range that is always available using [RANGE] and cannot be deleted.
Deviation A DISPLAY function in which the deviation of the current pressure from a target pressure
is displayed.
DUT Device Under Test. The device or devices pneumatically connected to the RPM4
TEST(+) port that the RPM4 is being used to test or calibrate.
Differential mode Measurement mode in which the measured pressure is the different between the Hi and
Lo Q-RPT (Hi – Lo).
FS Abbreviation of “full scale”. The full scale value is the maximum pressure of a measurement
range. Limits and specifications are often expressed as % FS. Also see span.
Gxxx A type of Q-RPT that is intrinsically gauge but only measures pressure greater than
atmosphere. Gxxx Q-RPTs support gauge measurement mode only.
Gauge Mode Measurement mode in which the Q-RPT indicates gauge pressure (difference from
atmospheric pressure), but only in the positive direction (above atmosphere).
Head A difference in height between the RPM4 reference level and the DUT.
HiLo A DISPLAY function in which the highest and lowest pressure measurements since
reset are recorded and displayed.
Hi Q-RPT The designation of a single Q-RPT in an RPM4, or, if there are two, the one that has the
highest full scale default range. This is the A70M (10 000 psi) in the RPM4
HL Q-RPT The designation of the pseudo Q-RPT that results from the combination of using two Q-
RPTs simultaneously in parallel measurement mode.
HPMS High pressure mounting system: Bracket used to hold the RPM4 and isolate the Lo Q-
RPT from the test pressure when it is not in use.
Inactive Q-RPT In an RPM4 with two Q-RPTs, the Q-RPT that is not currently displayed on the top line
of the display. The inactive Q-RPT may be displayed on the second line of the RPM4
display using the Q-RPT DISPLAY function.
Lo Q-RPT The designation of a the Q-RPT with the lower full scale default range in RPM4s with
two Q-RPTs. This is the A20M (3 000 psi) in the RPM4 A70M/A20M –AF.
Measurement Mode Whether pressure is being measured relative to absolute zero or vacuum (absolute mode)
or relative to atmospheric pressure (gauge mode).
Negative gauge or
compound gauge
Measurement mode in which the Q-RPT indicates gauge pressure (difference from
atmospheric pressure), in both positive and negative directions (above and below