© 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 54
Enter the tolerance in % of full scale (measurement uncertainty, precision or
accuracy as desired) of the DUT to be calibrated using this File AutoTest. The
value entered will be used along with the DUT full scale to determine RPM4
AutoRange settings when the AutoTest is run (see Section 3.3.10,
The display is:
Number of targets:
1 File1
Enter the total number of pressure points or target pressures to be included in
the AutoTest. The maximum number of points is 21. If data is to be taken at
“zero” pressure, include the “zero” points in the point count.
The display is: Pressure target N:
0.00 psi g File1
Enter the numerical value of the target pressure point <N>. Repeat until all of the
points in the File AutoTest have been defined.
After entering the last pressure target, the
display is: Save as File
AutoTest #:1
Enter the identifying number under which this File AutoTest definition file should
be saved. A confirmation is required to overwrite and existing sequence.
While editing a File AutoTest, pressing [ESC] backs through entries until editing
of the pressure target values has begun. Then [ESC] can only be used to
abandon editing.
[SPECIAL] accesses a menu of RPM4 functions and features that are less commonly used or not
normally used in regular operation.
Press [SPECIAL] from the MAIN RUN screen to access the
SPECIAL menu. The display is:
1AutoZ 2remote 3head
4SDS 5prefs 6Punit
7intern 8cal 9reset
Some screens, such as the SPECIAL menu, go beyond the two lines provided by the display. This is indicated
by a flashing arrow in the second line of the display. Press the cursor control keys to move the cursor to access the
lines that are not visible or directly enter the number of the hidden menu choice if you know it.
SPECIAL menu choices include:
<1AutoZ> Manage the AutoZero function for the active Q-RPT (see Section 3.5.1).
<2remote> View and edit COM port (RS-232) and IEEE-488 interface settings. Select remote syntax
style (see Section 3.5.2).
<3head> Set HEAD function fluid and height unit of measure (see Section 3.5.3).
<4SDS> Feature not used in this RPM4 model.
<5prefs> View and set screen saver time, keypad sound frequency, unit ID number, time/date,
security protection level (see Section 3.5.5).
<6Punit> Customize the [UNIT] key pressure unit of measure selections (See section 3.5.6).