Page 33 © 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company
The Average DISPLAY has a second screen that allows the instantaneous
pressure readings to be viewed while an averaging cycle is running.
The instantaneous Average screen is:
1. Instantaneous pressure values at RPM4’s
normal update rate.
2. Current rate of change of pressure in active
pressure unit/second.
3. Countdown in seconds until completion of on-
going averaging period.
3001.51 psi a Hi
R 0.01 18Avg
The [+/-] key toggles between the main run Average screen and the
instantaneous values Average screen.
Pressing [ENT] while in the Average DISPLAY aborts the current averaging
period and causes a new one to begin. [ENT] can thus be use to trigger a new
averaging period on demand.
In the Average DISPLAY the Ready/Not Ready indication applies to the result
of the previous averaging period (see Section 3.2.1). Ready indicates that all
readings during the previous averaging period met the stability criterion. Not Ready
indicates that one or more readings were outside of the stability criterion.
Changing the pressure unit of measure, measurement mode or range while the
averaging screen is active, starts a new averaging period.
To go to a DISPLAY other than Average, press [DISPLAY] and make a new
DISPLAY choice (see Section 3.3.6).
To activate the Rate DISPLAY.
See Section 3.3.6, Principle.
The AutoTest function (see Section 3.3.10) to AutoRange RPM4 based on DUT
characteristics and run an automated test sequence is accessed by pressing [ENT]
from the Rate run screen.