© 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 36
With the RPT DISPLAY active the main run screen is:
1. Active Q-RPT display.
2. Inactive Q-RPT display with Ready/Not Ready
indicator on far left (<*> indicates Ready).
2010.66 psi a zHi
*14.27 psi g zLo
When the RPT display is active, executing a range change to a range on the
inactive Q-RPT makes the inactive Q-RPT the active Q-RPT. The DISPLAY defaults
back to Rate ( Section
To go to a DISPLAY other than RPT , press [DISPLAY] and make a new DISPLAY
choice (see Section 3.3.6).
To activate the Hi/Lo DISPLAY.
See Section 3.3.6, Principle..
To activate the Hi/Lo DISPLAY press [DISPLAY], <5Hi/Lo>. Pressing <5Hi/Lo>
resets the Hi/Lo values and returns to the main run screen with the Hi/Lo
DISPLAY active.
With the Hi/Lo DISPLAY active the main run screen is:
1. Highest pressure observed since Hi/Lo reset.
2. Lowest pressure observed since Hi/Lo reset.
9989.2 psi a zHi
H 9991.5 L 9987.3
The Hi/Lo values change each time a new Hi or Lo pressure is observed.
The Hi/Lo record can be reset at any time by pressing [ENT]. This allows a
Hi/Lo reset without going back through the DISPLAY menu.
If the pressure measurement unit, mode or range is changed while the Hi/Lo
DISPLAY is active, Hi/Lo resets.
To go to a DISPLAY other than Hi/Lo, press [DISPLAY] and make a new
DISPLAY choice (see Section 3.3.6).