
A section is an item that is listed on the top level of the Outline.

See also

For more infor- mation, see “Searching within an eBook” on page 108.

The Views

Franklin Reader uses five views to represent the content of an eBook: List, Text, Sub-text, Search, and Bookmark.

List View

The List view displays chapters, sections or headwords of an eBook. The content of a list varies. For example, a list in a novel may contain the titles of the chapters. A list in a dictionary may contain headwords, and a list in a medical reference may contain sections of drug types. The most common lists include the Outline and Index, which are similar to the Table of Contents and Index in a printed book. Other lists include, but are not limited to, the Booklist and Bookmark List.

List example: Outline of

List example: Outline of

Tom Sawyer

Physician’s Desk Reference®


(PDR) 2000 Demo

Many lists are short and easy to navigate. When a list does not fit on one screen, a scroll bar appears.

The diagonal arrow to the left of a list item indicates another list below, similar to a sub-menu. Tap the list item to go to the sub- list. Tap the arrow to bypass all sub-lists and go directly to the corresponding text.

Search View

Enables the user to enter and search for a word or phrase within an eBook. Also displays the results of a search. To access the Search screen, tap .

100 Chapter 7. Franklin Reader