If no eBooks are available, the message “No books loaded” appears.



You must download and install Franklin eBooks in your eBookMan to use Franklin Reader. Tap to exit.

If eBooks are available and no eBooks have been opened, you see the Booklist. The Booklist is an alpha- betical list of Franklin eBooks that are installed in your eBookMan.


Note: If an eBook had been opened previously, Franklin Reader displays the last viewed screen of the eBook.

To exit the Booklist, tap .

2.Tap the eBook you want to open.

The default Home screen for the eBook you selected appears.

The Home screen is the initial screen for an eBook. In most eBooks, the Home screen is designated as Outline, Index, or Search.

See also

For more information about the screens, see “Understanding Franklin Reader Features.”

eBookMan® User’s Guide