See also:

For more information on removing files from eBookMan, see “Deleting Files” on page 83.

To restore files to eBookMan, follow these steps:

1.Move all files from the Library back to the Contents folder.

2.Click .

The Audible Folder

The Desktop Manager uses the Audible folder to administer tasks from AudibleManager® . Do not alter or delete the contents of this folder or its subdirectories.

Note: Audible files are added to and deleted from eBookMan through AudibleManager® only.

Deleting Files

To delete a file from eBookMan, you must remove the file from both the eBookMan device and the Desktop Manager.

1.From the Desktop Manager, locate the file in the Device pane.

2.Right-click on the file you want to delete.

3.Click Delete.

Click No to cancel the deletion.

4.Click Yes at the confirmation dialog box.

When you delete a file, a message "File has been deleted" appears.

The file no longer exists on the eBookMan, but the file remains in the Desktop Manager. If you sync by clicking , the file will be copied back to your eBookMan device. To avoid this, you must delete the file from the Contents pane in the same manner.

Note: When you delete a file from the Contents pane, it is removed permanently from that location on your PC.

If you mistakenly delete a file from the PC and the file remains on your eBookMan, you can restore the file to your PC by synchronizing.

42 Chapter 3. Managing & Synchronizing Content