Contents View

The Contents View uses two list panes to organize and display files stored on your PC (Contents pane) and content stored in your eBookMan device (Device pane).

Contents Pane

The Contents pane contains the file structure on your PC. Similar to Windows Explorer, this pane shows all files and folders in the selected directory. You can right click on a file or folder to access a corresponding context menu.

Folders listed in the Contents pane have the following context menu:


Opens a folder. You can also double click on


the folder icon or name to open it.

Files listed in the Contents pane have the following context menu items:

Send to

Sends content to the device. You can also


double click on the file name to send it.

Move to

Moves the highlighted file from the current

Library Folder

folder to the Library folder. When you move


a file to the Library folder, the file no longer


appears in the directory from which it was



Copy to

Copies the highlighted file to the Contents

Contents Folder

folder. When you copy a file, the original file


remains in the current directory.


Expands a zipped secure eBookMan (*.seb)



See also:

For a list of all file types and extensions that your eBookMan device recognizes, see “File Types” on page 39.

eBookMan® User’s Guide