Categorizing Files

To associate a file with a category, follow these steps.

1.Follow the steps 1-4 under “Viewing Details About a File” on page 82.

2.Tap next to Category.

The list of categories appears.

File Details screen

3.Tap the category you want.

4.Tap Done.

The File Manager screen appears.

5.Tap Done again to return to the Launcher.

Deleting Files

You can delete files from eBookMan to increase free memory or remove files that are no longer used. To delete a file, follow these steps.

1.From the Launcher, tap .

2.Tap File Manager.

The File Manager screen appears.

3.Tap the file you want.

4.Tap Delete.

You can tap Cancel to exit without deleting.

5.Tap OK to delete the file.

The file is removed from eBookMan.

6.Tap Done to return to the Launcher.


Files represented by icons are categorized when downloaded to eBookMan. Programs are categorized under

PROGRAMS, and content is filed under CONTENT .


You can only categorize files represented by icons.


Audible® files are added to and deleted from eBookMan through AudibleManager® only.

eBookMan® User’s Guide