5. The Launcher

This chapter details the features of the Launcher and provides instructions for performing tasks from the Launcher. After completing the steps in “Chapter 1. Getting Started,” the Launcher appears on your eBookMan device.

Program Icon

Contents Icon

Category indicator

Status bar {















Battery indicator

Time indicator





The Launcher is like the desktop on your PC. All programs and some content files, in RAM and in an installed MultiMediaCard (MMC), are represented by icons on the screen. Program icons, such as Date Book and Franklin Reader, appear on a dark background. Content icons, such as music and audio books, appear on a white background. Program and content icons from an MMC have an M on the bottom right corner.

The area located at the bottom of the Launcher is the Status bar. It contains the following items:

Battery indicator Displays a graphic of the energy left in the batteries. Tap the Battery indicator to view the percent of remaining battery life.

Time indicator Displays the time. Tap the Time indicator to view the date. The date appears for approximately five seconds.

Category indicator Displays the current category. Tap the Category indicator to access the Category menu. See “Using Categories” on page 78 for more details.

Memory indicator Displays the amount of memory available in RAM.


You can view 16 icons at a time in the Launcher.

When there are more than 16 icons, a scroll bar appears. Tap the scroll bar to see more icons. You also can use the Control Wheel or the scroll area in the Control Pad to see more icons.

eBookMan® User’s Guide