Special Markers

When reading and moving through text, you may see Special Markers - images of blocked text. Special markers indicate that more information is available. The following are some examples of Special Markers:

- ,



Graphic or figure


Bibliographic entry


Unavailable section of text


Unavailable graphic illustration


Table reference


Cross reference




Pronounces the headword, highlighted word,

or entry.

To view the information associated with a special marker, follow these steps.

1.Tap the marker to view its information in sub-text.

If the information takes up more than on screen, use the scroll bar to view more text.

2.When done, tap or OK to return to the text you were reading.

Quick Commands

When reading and moving through text, you may see Quick Commands - a row of buttons at the bottom of text. Quick Commands act as hyperlinks that jump to a related section of the text. They most commonly appear in medical references.



eBookMan® User’s Guide