

Helpful Hint




When I try to open the

• Your browser may not

User’s Guide in my Web

have the option (plug-

browser from Franklin’s

in) for opening .pdf doc-

Web site, I get a blank

uments. Right-click on


the eBookMan® User’s


Guide link and select


the “Save Target As..”


option. In the dialog


box, select a location on


your PC in which you


want your file down-


loaded and click OK.


The User’s Guide is


downloaded to your PC.


You can then double-


click the file and view it


at any time.

You need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view the eBookMan® User’s Guide. If it is not already installed on your PC, go to the Adobe Web site ( and follow the instructions provided to download and install the latest version of Acrobat Reader.

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