
A one-way transfer of data from your main


system to your other application, for exam-


ple, from an organizer application in your


eBookMan to Microsoft® Outlook® on your



field mapping

The linking of equivalent fields in two sys-


tems, so that data can be transferred


between them during synchronization. Fields


that are linked are referred to as mapped




(Franklin Universal Binary) The file type rec-


ognized by Franklin Reader.


A stroke made in the Handwriting area to


perform a specific function - for example,



Handwriting area The area in the Control Pad in which you


write letters, numbers and punctuation.

hard reset

To return the device to its original settings.


This removes all user entered data. A hard


reset of the eBookMan is performed by hold-


ing the On/Off button and gently depressing


the reset button at the back of the device. It


should not be confused with soft reset.


A one-way transfer of data from another sys-


tem to your main system, for example from


Microsoft® Outlook® on your PC to the organ-


izer applications in your eBookMan.


The program on your PC that enables you to


transfer data from a PIM such as Microsoft®


Outlook® to the organizer applications in


your eBookMan device. It is part of the


eBookMan® Desktop Manager.


The default screen on your eBookMan


device from which all programs and some


content files are opened. This includes files


both on RAM and any installed MMC


(MultiMediaCard). The programs and con-


tent files are represented by icons.

Letter input area

The section of the Handwriting area that


has abc on it. This is the area in which you


write letters.

214 Appendix