E. Troubleshooting

This section offers solutions to problems you may encounter while:

downloading and installing eBookMan® Desktop Manager

synchronizing the operating system (OS) and applications from your PC to your eBookMan

using the eBookMan® Desktop Manager software

using the eBookMan device

It also provides information about error messages that you may see in the Desktop Manager or on the eBookMan device. Detailed online help is available both in the eBookMan® Desktop Manager and in each application on the eBookMan device. To access Help in the Desktop Manager, click Help in the Menu bar. To access Help from most programs on the device, select FileHelp.

For more information, visit Franklin’s technical support Web page and check the FAQ (frequently asked questions) database. Just connect to www.franklin.com/ ebookman/support.asp, and click on a flag to choose your language. Customers in the United States or Canada can also send email or even chat with Franklin.

If you need further technical support, see “Support” on page 15 for a list of contacts.

Downloading and Installing the Desktop Manager, Operating System, or Applications

Here are a number of solutions to possible problems with downloading and installing the eBookMan® Desktop Manager:

ProblemSolutionHelpful Hint

When I try to download eBookMan software from the Franklin Web site, my Web browser shows a validation #3 error instead of the Web Sync page.

1.Remove and re-connect your eBookMan device to the PC.

2.Turn the unit on.

3.On your PC, click in the Device Pane of your Desktop Manager, then click ViewRefresh.

4.Click WebDownload Applications.

Make sure your eBookMan device is properly connected to the PC and turned on before you download eBookMan software from the Franklin Web site.

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