Text in

Text using

PDR® 2001 Demo

Synonyms in PDR®


2001 Topical

E.Text using Synonyms

Synonyms are words of similar meaning and usage. This cat- egory returns matches just like "Text" except that it uses syn- onyms for the word or words you entered.


These matches occur when the word or words you entered all match part of an Outline title (for example, a monograph name, chapter title, section title, index title, headword or phrase). Inflections and root words are considered matches.

Titles in

Titles using

PDR 2001 Demo

Synonyms in PDR

2001 Topical


G. Titles using Synonyms

Synonyms are words of similar meaning and usage. This category returns matches just like "Titles" except that it uses synonyms for the word or words you entered.

116 Chapter 7. Franklin Reader