Using the Menus

There are two menus in ToDo Book: File and Edit. The File menu is available when no todo is selected in the ToDo List. When a todo is selected, both menus are available.

To select a menu item, first tap , tap either File or Edit and

then either tap the menu item you want or write the Menu shortcut in the Handwriting area.

File Menu

Use the File menu to delete all completed todos, view information about ToDo Book, read online help and exit the program.

File menu


Displays the version number of ToDo Book.
Purge (r)Enables you to delete all completed todos from


your list. You must confirm the deletion by tapping


OK. Tap Cancel to exit the Purge confirmation dia-


log box without deleting todos.

Help (h)

Displays online help.

Exit (e)

Exits ToDo Book.

Edit Menu

Use the Edit menu to cut, copy and paste text, access the keyboard and view the Handwriting guide. Cut and Copy are activated only when text is selected. Drag your stylus over the text you want to cut or copy. Paste is available only when there is text saved to the clipboard.

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