date box.

You see the Select Date screen. Tap the day/month/year and tap Select.

To repeat your appointment indefinitely, tap the No end date check box.

6.Tap OK to save your changes and return to the Edit dialog box.

To exit the Recurrence screen without saving any changes, tap Cancel or .

To delete a previously set recurrence, tap Delete.

At the Daily View, indicates that an appointment repeats.

The Recurrence screen varies by interval setting: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly.

Daily Recurrence

The Daily setting repeats your appointment based on a set number of days. For example, to repeat an appointment every 5 days, tap the Daily check box and write 5 in the Recur every . .

. day(s) field.

Recurrence screen for Daily interval

Weekly Recurrence

The Weekly setting repeats your appointment based on a set day of the week. To repeat an appointment every two weeks on Wednesday, tap the Weekly check box, write 2 in the Recur

every . . . week(s) on field and tap for Wednesday.

eBookMan® User’s Guide