
Cookies must be enabled in your browser to download content from the Franklin Web site.

To find instructions on enabling cookies, go to an Internet search engine and enter “enable cookies.”

Applications are self-contained programs that may require content to run. Application files include the following types:


Secure eBookMan binary; most application and


content files downloaded from the Franklin Web


site use the *.seb file extension


Franklin executable

Other file types are generated while using programs in eBookMan. For example, *.bmark files are created when you add bookmarks in the Franklin Reader. These files are synchro-

nized when you click .

Directory Structure

By default, eBookMan content is stored in the C:\Program

Files\Franklin Electronic Publishers\eBookMan Desktop Manager\Data\Contents directory.

Note: If you designate a different directory during download, the Data directory and its subdirectories are placed there.

All files are downloaded and stored in the Contents folder. By default, the Data folder is also the place from which all files are synchronized (the sync folder). The Desktop Manager creates three folders under the sync folder: Contents, Audible, and Library.

You can change the location of this folder by clicking FileChange Sync Folder and specifying a new folder location. Note that when you change the sync folder, the original directories remain. Use this feature to set up multiple eBookMan devices from one PC.

The Contents Folder

Use the Contents folder to synchronize files between your PC and eBookMan by clicking . When you click , the Desktop Manager compares the files on your eBookMan to files in the Contents folder of the Desktop Manager. If the files on your eBookMan are more recent, the Desktop Manager copies the more recent files from eBookMan to the Contents pane on the PC and then copies the more recent files from the Contents pane on the PC to your eBookMan.

40 Chapter 3. Managing & Synchronizing Content