4.If resetting usage statistics, return to step 3 and scroll to RESET USAGE, otherwise skip to step 7.
The computer displays reset usage.
5. | With the desired selection displayed, press the (1 yes) button to select |
| ||
| chosen menu item. |
The computer displays enter code. |
| |
6. | Using the number keys enter 4321. Note: Codes are | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
| changeable. |
The computer displays RESET USAGE COMPLETE changing to REVIEW USAGE. Skip to step 8.
7.Press the (2) button to return to INFO MODE changing to filter stats prompt.
8.Press the (2) button to quit.
The computer displays OFF.
The last load mode displays data for the last cook cycle.
1. Perform steps
The computer displays last LOAD for full vat configurations or load l or Load r for split vat configurations.
2. With the desired selection displayed, press the (1 yes) button.
3. Press the t and ubuttons to scroll between:
a. PRODUCT fry – Last product cooked.
b. STARTED 02:34PM – Time last cook cycle started.
c. actual 3:15 – Actual cooking time including stretch time. d. progtime 3:10 – Programmed cook time.
e. Max temp 337° – Maximum oil temperature recorded during the cook cycle. f. Min temp 310° – Minimum oil temperature recorded during the cook cycle. g. avg temp 335° – Average oil temperature recorded during the cook cycle. h. heat on 70 – Percentage of the cook time the heat source was on.
i. ready yes – Displays if the fryer was back to proper temperature before the cook cycle was started.
NOTE – Above numbers are examples. They do not reflect actual conditions.