L i f e B o o k S S e r i e s – S e c t i o n S e v e n
Your LifeBook notebook is
The Security Panel portion allows for password protec- tion while the system is off or in Suspend mode. The Security Panel utilities are found under the Start menu, under Programs, then under LifeBook Security Panel.
The Application Panel utilities are found under the Start menu, under Programs, then under LifeBook Application Panel. The utilities include a CD Player, Application Panel Setup, Application Panel Guide, Activate Panel and Deac- tivate Panel.
As your notebook does not support the CPU Clock control, the option is not active within the Power Control menu of BatteryAid.
DISE is used to restore the factory image and restore the system to its original state. For future backup, a section of your hard drive contains an image of the original installed software and utilities. If necessary, you can restore your system to the state in which it was shipped from Fujitsu. (See Drive Image Special Edition (DISE) on page 72 for more information)
The Fujitsu Service Assistant is an interactive support tool that provides automated diagnosis and solutions for your hardware and software problems. The Fujitsu Service Assistant has the ability to automatically detect new messages when online. To use this tool, click on the Fujitsu Service Assistant icon located on the left side of your desktop.
New support information for the Fujitsu Service Assis- tant tool may be available after the purchase of your notebook. To receive the most
You may occasionally receive an "Administrative Rights" message. The network test is designed to test the config- uration of your network card and determine your network connection status. Due to the security features built into the Windows 2000 operating system, only users with Administrator level access are able to run this
particular test. Please consult your network adminis- trator for further assistance with this issue.
For further information about the Fujitsu Service Assis- tant, call
BatteryAid allows you to control the display brightness of your notebook in order to maximize battery life. (See your BatteryAid online help for more information on the correct way to use this program)
The Adobe Acrobat Reader, located in the Service and Support Software folder, allows you to view, navigate, and print PDF files from across all of the major computing platforms.
BayManager provides a simple and powerful method of switching drives of a LifeBook notebook computer without having to reboot the notebook computer.
Windows 98 Second Edition does not natively support hot swapping. With BayManager, you can swap bay devices while your OS is running, this is called hot- swapping.
BayManager Features
■Works under Windows 98 Second Edition.
■Works under ACPI and APM.
■Provides power management integrity for devices that enter and leave the system.
Intel SpeedStep allows your Lifebook to operate in dual mode. When connected to AC source, the system operates in Maximum Performance mode. When powered by battery, the system switches to Battery Optimized mode to conserve battery life. SpeedStep software is automatically loaded when you start your system and appears on the system tray as one of the two flags. A checker flag indicates that the system is set for Maximum Performance mode. A blue flag with a green center square indicates that the system is set for Battery Optimized mode. You can change the setting or disable the software by